Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Living in Winnipeg

For those of you who have never been to Canada, here are some fun facts and trivia about my hometown of Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Winnipeg is one of the coldest cities ever! This winter the temperature dropped to -39C, making it really unfavorable to head outside.

We plug are cars in the winter so they will start when left in the cold. There are outlets in parking lots where you can bring an extension cord and plug your car in when it is parked.

Winnipeg has 4 seasons so it also gets very hot in the summer. It can reach temperatures of up to +35C in the summer. People must have a high tolerance for cold though because as soon as it starts to get warm out, the patios open up and people are sitting outside in a t-shirt and shorts when it is only +5C out!

This is okay though because Winnipeg has some pretty good looking chicks. I have to say that as a women who is straight (and engaged), there are still some beautiful girls here!
The guys.....well, let's just say that I lucked out as my fiance is a hottie :) Not much to say about the rest of the men out there, then again I am biased!

Winnipeg is the Slurpee capital of the world - a slurpee is a slushy, frozen drink, usually made from Coke, Root Beer, Dr. Pepper, Cream Soda, etc. and water. It is mixed together and frozen. Slurpees are great for those hot summers here or even when it is cold out! You can pick them up at your local 7-11 corner store and we have about 100 here in Winnipeg.

People in Winnipeg also love a great deal...if it's not on sale, or you can't barter with the price, it's probably to worth it!

Yes, we are friendly! After all, that is the slogan on our licence plate. You can bump into someone on the street and they will probably apologize for getting in your way.

Some nicknames for Winnipeg include : The Peg, Winterpeg, Winnie-peg
The last nickname Winnie-peg is said to be because the originator of Winnie the Pooh was from Winnipeg.

Well, stay tuned for some more fun facts and please feel free to leave any questions or comments. Ciao for now!
